DicInu Rewards

45% of DicInu's total supply has been made available for rewards over DicInu's 10 Year token distribution cycle. That is a total of 3,555,000,000 DicInu tokens that are available to be found and rewarded to holders for their support and participation, but most importantly it will help in the decentralized distribution of our Stellar doggy meme coin across the entire blockchain.    We have takin a different approach to token Distibution than other projects. No "Pre-Sales", No "ICO", and No "Angle Investers" just a fair, honest, and random token distribution throughout Stellar adult DicInu fun, community participation, #NFT asset scavenger hunts, and Rewards for Holders and Curated Liquidity Providers.


Become a Stellar Dog today and rewarded yourself with some DicInu.  

Holder's rewards 

DicInu Token holders can be rewarded Daily holders' rewards by having your public wallet registered on Altpier.com. Remember Public wallet only is required.  Never give your private keys to any web page ever.  On Altpier all that is required is your public wallet address.  To be eligible for daily rewards you must hold at least 1,000,000 DicInu tokens or more. If you hold Xoge also you will receive double the rewards in both DicInu and Xoge.  The Minimum Xoge required is 30,000,000+ Xoge for the double daily rewards When you hold a little DicInu you may always be rewarded with some more DicInu.  Holder's rewards are always changing and the more DicInu you hold usually they more you receive. 

Updated rewards 02.14.2024


AMM Liquidity Pool Rewards

There are currently 5 Different DicInu token Amm Liquidity pools that are currently available for rewards.  These 5 pools are the XLM/DicInu, USDC/DicInu, LSP/DicInu, ACT/DicInu, XTAR/DicInu.  Any pool participants that hold at least a minimum of 1% or more weight in any of these five pools are eligible for Monthly DicInu Rewards.  There is a random snapshot every month and rewards are distributed during the first 8 days of each month.

Pools can be created using apps such as 

Lumenswap - https://amm.lumenswap.io/pools

Dogstar App - https://app.dogstarcoin.com/pool

Scopuly Pools - https://scopuly.com/pools

Updated rewards 02.14.2024


NFT holders rewards 

All Random DicInu token NFTs also Come with random holder's rewards for the qualifying NFTs.
NFTs can be rewarded randomly or just once over their lifetime.

Updated rewards: Lifetime

NFT Gallery

DicInu Token Scavenger Hunts

Are you a dog without a bone?  DicInu Token Community members can Receive rewards in XLM, LSP, & DicInu token for community participation in creating DicInu token related memes and fun content in the community telegram.

DicInu Community Telegram Channel